They said,

"Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines."
~Brian Tracy

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

If It Isn't Easy

Doesn't mean it's not God's Way.

 Who said God's Way always easy and smooth and seems ideal?

2 komentar:

  1. True true!! Dari kotbahnya Kak Hans 2 minggu lalu ya...So blessed with it..

    Anyway, pertama jujur aku biasa ae liat "my-arial" ini tapi tambah lama tambah keren2 Len...Smape sempet mikir mau bikin model gini ga ya? LOL

  2. yeepp!!! aku gak dateng khotbah e tapi sempet diceritai statement satu itu.

    wahh really? glad arial can inspire you. :D
    ayo bikin bikin!!!!!!
